
Meet Dr. Paul Mandich
Dr. Paul Mandich has been practicing in Northwest Indiana since 1980.

Dr. Mandich is a Board Certified Chiropractor and a Licensed Acupuncturist, and has been practicing in Northwest Indiana for over 36 years. He is also certified to perform Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA) and our facility has equipment, on site, to perform ultrasound therapy, electrical stimulation, and more. Dr. Mandich is highly trained in identifying and evaluating functional problems associated with the spinal column and is skilled in restoring proper spinal bio-mechanics and nerve function. With a program of regular spinal maintenance, many patients recover a degree of health and vigor greater than they enjoyed before their problem occurred.


  • National College of Chiropractic - Lombard, IL - 1980
  • Bachelors in Human Anatomy - 1980
  • Associate of Science - Valparaiso University 1976
  • Auricular Therapy Certification - 1999
  • Board Certified in Medical Acupuncture FIAMA - 2000
  • ADS Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist - 2007
  • Board Certified in Clinical Management of Cervical
  • Acceleration / Deceleration Trauma and Whiplash Related Injuries - 2000
  • Certified Manipulation Under Anesthesia Procedures

My Chiropractic Story:

A week or two doesn’t go by when I’m asked why I became a Chiropractor.

Here is my Story:

It started in 1972 when I was in 10th grade on the High School swimming team, I dislocated my right knee cap playing tennis. After going to the orthopedic where they had to drain my knee of fluid, the doctor said I would have to immobilize my leg for 7-8 weeks to let it heal in a cast. Hearing this news was to say the least very disappointing, and which most likely would end my activities for that year

At that time my mother was seeing a Chiropractor and said she would take me in and see what he had to offer. I was willing to try anything that prevented me from ending my swimming for the year. That day I hobbled into his office on crutches. Not knowing what to expect, he examined me. After the examination he felt I had some misalignments of my lower back, knee and ankle. He proceeded to adjust these areas which at first I was nervous and thought I was already in enough pain I didn’t want more. The adjustments were way easier than my perceived thoughts of torture. After he was finished, I was able to walk on my leg with about 50% improvement. I returned the next 4 days and was about 90% better and returned to swimming after 1 week. It was amazing to me. Not knowing what my career was going to be, a light bulb went off and had me thinking of a medical career. I attended pre med at Valparaiso University still thinking the medical route for me, but had that Chiropractic experience in the back of my head. I applied early to Chiropractic school and got accepted early before finishing my premed, thinking if I didn’t like Chiropractic, I would still be able to transfer credits and continue with my medical career. In Chiropractic school I was amazed at the continual stories I saw of patients coming in and getting better faster and naturally, I was sold after 5 years.

It’s now 37 years later and I hear the same amazing stories from my patients every week, but this time I’m able to help these patients like I was helped. This is the end of my story but can be just the beginning for you towards your wellness story.

Give me a call, I will listen and tell you if we are able to help you!



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Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule




8:00 am - 5:00 pm




8:00 AM - 5:00pm







8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 AM - 5:00pm